Change and Coherence

We want change, that's part of the human nature. We are constantly changing and always have the intention to improve. We all want a better world, good things to happen. For some, to be better is to be wealthier, or healthier, or to have more power or followers. Some do it because they want to improve themselves, some others because they want to improve the community they belong. For a lot of people the rest of the world is an obstacle and they don't care if they have to step on them just to get what they want, they usually think that in order to obtain something they need to take it from someone else. On the other side, a lot of people identifies with the other, think of everyone else as a part of their own and believe that if they are helping someone they are helping themselves. Some people help because they feel better, some others because the other is going to feel better. Some people steal and kill because that's the only way they know to improve. Of course we cannot be everyone, but we should choose to be ourselves, and that means to define who we are and act consequently. We need to be coherent with our idea of good and follow it, always. A lot of people will not agree so it's up to you to decide: to be the one they expect you to be, or not to be.

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